Beginning in the Fall of 2021 WharfWarp is teaming up with Maine Island Trail Association's stewards and volunteers who cleanup Maine island shorelines.

Each Spring and Fall MITA's three stewards, their aluminum skiffs, and a fortunate team of volunteers get to work cleaning up targeted islands. Storms, tides, and winds are constantly carrying all sorts of man-made material onto the island shores.
Much of it is just trash, a little can be recycled, and some of can be upcycled!
The stewards are now separating rope and some drift lumber from their collections and dropping it off at our Freeport workshop.
Then we take over by untangling the nest of ropes often knotted together and arrange them into coils. Short pieces are also saved for reuse.
We then determine possible designs, weave, wash, and finish the new creations. The MITA collected rope is all kept separate from our other stock of reclaimed lobster rope we obtain directly from fishermen.
Proceeds from the "Maine Island Trail Collection" sales are split 50/50 with MITA to help support their efforts and future cleanups! Check back each July and October for new products, and follow us @wharfwarp and @meislandtrail for upcoming release dates.